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Best vitamins for healthy hair

Best vitamins for healthy hair

Hair loss is an occurrence common to every human being, has numerous causes including hormone imbalance, and as well the effect of medications you take,and of course the shock and the mental state and emotional, and genetics, and there are other causes like causative certain bacterial infections, extreme use of chemicals such relaxants and the color dyes such steroids These factors affect hair, There many medications for hair but may work with some people and not work with other people.

Fortunately there are natural medicines, One avenue for fighting hair loss is the natural role that vitamins play, and shortage amounts vitamins in the human body adversely affect not only the hair, but the entire body.
take a look and see What is the best vitamins for hair loss and the Benefits:

Best vitamins for healthy hair

- Vitamin A
Stimulates hair follicles, this is where starts hair growth, this is obviously important, It can be obtained from supplements and natural foods in dark veggies such dark green lettuce choices and red peppers this is truly one vitamin that's can be toxic if taken high levels and so follow directions carefully.
and there other foods contain vitamin (a) like Orange and carrots, It ensures that the scalp is well moisturized and This prevents
dandruff and dry, brittle follicles is prone to breaking

-Vitamin B
Vitamin B is very important it plays a very vital role in maintaining healthy hair, and the best Features in vitamin (b) is great stress reducer, stress is one of the big causes hair loss.
We can get Vitamin (B) in liver and beans and egg yolks poultry
Best vitamins for healthy hairand brewers yeast and red meat.
It enhances delivery adequate oxygen to the hair follicles, Follicles will therefore be well nourished and less prone to falling

- Vitamins C
A wonderful antioxidant, It is water-soluble , Must be maintained on a diet full of fruits and veggies High this vitamin ,this powerhouse will help to repair and manufacture tissue, and helpful to repair hair loss
you can get vitamin (C) in fruits such a mangoes and grapes and oranges ...and more
it promotes delivery of adequate oxygen to hair follicles. Follicles will therefore be well nourished and less prone to falling

-Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a hormone, helps to create a balance of hormones in the body, and it therefore prevents hair loss that arises from hormonal imbalance
Best vitamins for healthy hairwe can get vitamin (C) From sunlight and  fish and milk ... and more

-Vitamin E
vitamin (E) is useful internally and externally to hair loss, Vitamin (e) an important to increase blood circulation in the scalp and all over the body, For a healthier scalp, and is helpful for dry hair

-vitamin H
Biotin stimulates new cells growth through metabolizing protein carbs brown rice wonderful sources are oats and the brown rice and in sunflower seeds

-Omega 3
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Fish oils is useful in the prevention of thinning hair and hair loss, Sardines and salmon are the best.

Balanced eating healthy is the best thing for hair loss and you know what is the best vitamins for healthy hair

Read more about the benefits of vitamins for hair loss and growth 

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