Hair Grow Longer
Lengthening hair is a tedious process, but there are ways it can help you. Scalp massage, cut Parties and nutrients that strengthen hair. All of these can help you in the process of lengthening hair.
Process of lengthening hair can be dauntin and time-consuming - long hair 1 cm per month on average - but certainly there is what can be done about it. Although modern science has been unable so far to produce an effective means speed up the process of lengthening hair, there are natural ways that can help. Here are some simple steps through which you can stimulate the process of lengthening hair, for example, the consumption of foods that contain vitamin B and omega-3, trimming the outskirts of the hair and even massage the scalp. How can this be?!
Scalp massage :
Feeds the root of the hair of the nutrients found in the blood and, therefore, it is very important to stimulate the blood supply to the hair roots. Who wish lengthened hair advised massage the scalp regularly to stimulate blood flow and thus the more nutrients to the hair roots. There two types of massage techniques.
Stimulating the process of prolong the hair :
- Massage the scalp # 1: Enter all the fingers inside the hair, and gently drag. The goal is a sense of traction, but should not be screwing to the degree of pain. This massage used for all types of hair.
- Massage the scalp # 2: This massage is based on the hit the hair with fingers. To improve the massage more, it is recommended that before dipping fingers textured hairdresser contain little bit of alcohol or citrus oil etheric (for example, Bergamot oil, orange blossom, grapefruit or lemon). By touching the scalp with fingers and beat them gently and quickly.
Cutting hair :
Brittle hair are the main factors hindering the process of lengthening hair. This is because hair breakage resulting short hair from the bottom, so even if long we cannot see it. Therefore, it is recommended cut sides once every six weeks to ensure the healthy growth of hair and to prevent break it.
Broccoli :
It may sound strange, but what we eat has a decisive influence on the health of the hair, the pace of growth, hair loss and general appearance. What foods and vitamins that benefit the hair and make it look healthier and grow faster?
Leafy Green Vegetables :
Vegetables that carry a lot of green leaves tend to be rich in vitamins A and C, necessary for the production of sebum. A fatty substance secreted by the scalp naturally and function softening , lubrication and protect the hair. In addition, green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium and iron.
Examples of vegetables that carry a lot of green leaves: broccoli, spinach, cabbage or kale leaves. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is recommended for women aged 19-50 eating two cups of vegetables per day. Sure to integrate green leafy vegetables in your meals daily to improve the health hair.
Legumes :
Legumes are rich in protein - making it ideal for assisting in the process of lengthening hair. Hair is basically dead protein, and therefore, the diet low in protein may slow growth stage. On the other hand, can diet rich in protein can improve hair growth. Also, legumes contain zinc, iron and biotin "vitamin group B, which may lead to deficiency break hair".
Eggs :
Eggs is rich in protein, and also with biotin and - B12. B12 deficiency can lead to hair loss.
Nuts :
Cashews, almonds, walnuts and pecans are a wonderful way - and fun - to support the process of lengthening hair. These nuts are rich with zinc, that deficiency may cause hair loss. Walnuts in particular is vital for healthy hair, because it contains omega-3 acid, which helps to softening hair and lubrication, and contribute to the health, making it easier to lengthen hair.
Whole grains :
Whole grains. It contains iron, zinc and vitamins of group B - all it takes healthy hair. Can consume whole grains in the form of bread, brown rice or whole wheat and pasta.
Foods rich in folic acid :
Folic acid's role in carrying oxygen to various parts of the body, including the hair. The constant flow of blood and oxygen to the scalp contributes to the strength and health of the hair and also preserves the color and thickness.
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