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6 Best way to washing your hair properly

How to wash your hair properly?

Clean hair and health is a product of proper nutrition and how to wash the hair properly. You will find to our website many articles about proper nutrition for hair. We collected for you this time the most important tips for proper washing to get shiny hair and lovely.

How to wash your hair properly?

way to wash the hair properly :

1- Washing Hair Too Much  :
The majority of people do not need to wash their hair every day. People who need to wash their hair daily are often those who have very oily hair and scalp skin greasy. But sometimes turns hair greasy due to the use of products that are not appropriate for the specific type of hair, what may cause the crust in the skin of the scalp.
Way of washing hair: advised owners oily hair shampoo screw on the hair, which was still dry and wash it off after foam. Also daily washing does not cause hair loss.

2- The proportion of shampoo - conditioner :
Hairdressers are advised to wash hair with shampoo twice and eventually once with hair Conditioner. The first aim last wash to remove dirt from the hair, while the second time, lending hair shinier while washing granted Conditioner softness.
Those who do not use cosmetic hair styling, such as WACS, moisturizing cream, gel, mousse, etc., they can simply washed Shampoo and Conditioner one and one. Must be put on hair conditioner only from whey and up sides, either remaining on the fingertips can massage the scalp gently.

3- Hot water or cold :
Very hot water may hurt the skin of the scalp and leave burns while it may not remove the cold water of the hair dirt well.
4- Hair drying towel  :
For hair drying towel, massage with towel movements thin and not dried by scrubs. May hurt the hair may lead to even break it.

5- Use dried  :
If you want to dry the hair by the electric dryer after washing, it is advisable to end the process of washing using cold water to prevent the latent power of the hair after drying.

6- Massage the scalp  :
Advised to massage the scalp through massage at least once per week to stimulate blood head.

Finally , These are some of the tips, And we hope to be helpful for you

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