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Homemade Brazilian Hair Mask To Straighten Hair

How to Straighten Your Hair Without Chemicals

Do you have curly hair? Do you suffer from Brittle hair and damage as a result of excessive use of tools hair relaxer? Do you want hair soft, smooth and healthy appearance?

How to Straighten Your Hair Without Chemicals

How to Straighten Your Hair Without ChemicalsIf you answered yes to these questions, here's way to proven and effective in hair relaxer and eliminate wrinkles, natural ingredients without the need to use creams to Straightened that contain a high percentage of chemicals that cause damage to the hair and brittleness.

Mask Brazilian to smoothing and straightening hair of the recipes that rely on wet hair nutrition and natural ingredients available.


3 banana peel (can increase the quantity according to hair length and density)
4 tablespoons mayonnaise
4 tablespoons castor oil
4 tablespoons olive oil

How to use: 

Leave banana peels from one day to three days until completely dry. 
Grind banana peels dry even get a soft powder. 
Mix banana peels to the rest of the ingredients until complete homogeneity. 
Put the mask on the hair and cover the head with a wet towel with hot water. 
Leaves the mask on the hair for 30 minutes, then rinse well with warm water. 
Let your hair to dry and do not use an electric dryer, and you'll notice a difference in the texture and appearance of hair. 
Repeats the mask than once to twice a week and even get the desired result.

Benefits ingredients of the mask :

Banana peels :
Homemade Brazilian Hair Mask To Straighten HairBanana peels contain potassium, iron and vitamin B complex also contains many antioxidants that restore hair vitality. banana peels also works to moisturizing hair and straightened it's natural and safe.

Homemade Brazilian Hair Mask To Straighten HairMayonnaise contains a high proportion of proteins in order to contain to egg yolk as an essential component, which helps to nourish hair well, as this will help the high percentage of proteins to straighten hair and eliminate split ends.

Castor oil: 
Homemade Brazilian Hair Mask To Straighten HairCastor oil is one of the best natural oils which help to stop hair loss and stimulate growth, and smooth frizz.

Olive oil: 
As a result it contains a high proportion of fatty acids, the olive oil helping to moisturize dry hair and packaging the hair with a thin layer helps to effectively smoothed.

Homemade Brazilian Hair Mask To Straighten Hair

Finally, try Brazilian mask with natural components to straighten hair without need for using heat  tools for straightening and creams. which lead to damage hair.

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